I have no idea which real-life healthcare system it may be critiquing, but I'm excited to find out. It immediately calls back to Night In The Woods with its 2D art and autumnal palette, and though it seems to similarly deal in drama and dark humor like its predecessor, it swaps out the quarter-life crisis and dead-end town plots for a commentary on a failing healthcare system. For me, Fall of Porcupine is one such game. The abundance of "E3" offshoots such as Wholesome Direct are great opportunities to stumble upon new games you didn't even know existed. The sweet and silly game follows a chicken as they seek out the answer to a question as old as time itself: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Needless to say, I am very curious to discover the truth and solve all this game's cute li'l puzzles. That said, I am incredibly excited to try out Chicken Journey. I am not particularly great at platformers, meaning there has to be something really special about one to get me excited to play it. Now Playing: Wholesome Direct Livestream 2022 Chicken Journey