The other is a grapple which has a much smaller window to react as she pulls her arm back before reaching out to grab you. Her attacks can also be parried, but be warned i t takes three successive parries to stun her for a riposte, so this tactic isn’t recommended unless you’re incredibly confident with your parry timings.Ī few attacks that you need to watch out for, one is her charged thrust that has a huge range but which takes a couple seconds to charge so you can usually anticipate this and dodge roll under it. Successive attacks (such as two combos of the Bloodhound’s Fang’s unique skill and follow-up) will knock her down and open for a critical attack, although she’s quite nimble and can easily pirouette out of your range. Players with an ally should try to flank her and coordinate attack timings to prevent her from having any breathing room. Her frightening attack power is balanced by the fact that she has low poise so her attacks can easily be interrupted, though you preferably want to stagger her before she even begins her attack animation.

This is a particular downside to bringing allies with you since this potentially means more opportunities for her health bar to stay topped up, so coordination is paramount. Malenia attacks with slashes and thrusts from her blade, and the real kicker is her attacks recover her health with each hit, even if you’re blocking. While she can be a very agile opponent, Malenia approaches you at a walking pace to begin with, meaning you have plenty of time to summon a spirit, neck a potion like a Flask of Wondrous Physick before you properly clash. It will also help to have armour or items that give you high resistance to scarlet rot during her second phase. While you should ideally be dodging her attacks, having a high guard boost and stamina gauge means you’ll withstand the first part of her fatal flurry combo that will normally kill you. You may also want to respec your character so that your endurance is at around 50. You should be at least Level 120 (but preferably even higher) before even considering taking on Malenia, and be sure that you have upgraded your weapon and shield to their maximum levels. She is also weak to frostbite, although be warned that FromSoftware has since the Hoarfrost Stomp skill, and you don’t really want to be rooted to the spot too long against this fast-moving opponent. Malenia is susceptible to bleed damage, which makes the Bloodhound’s Fang a very effective melee weapon against her. The higher your spirit ash’s level, the higher their health will be, and they will actually survive attacks from Malenia that will normally mean instant death for a human player. Summoning a spirit ash, especially Mimic Tear, is going to be essential for most players, so it’s heavily recommended you bring a spirit at +10 level. Watch on YouTube Elden Ring Side Quests For Dummies: Side Quests You Need to do How to prepare for Malenia, Blade of Miquella